Special Services
Auke Bay offers the following special services. If you feel that your child may qualify for any of these services, please contact your child’s teacher, the principal, or the staff person indicated.
Big Brother/Big Sister The school counselor works collaboratively with the Big Brother/Big Sister Program to coordinate school based mentors for Auke Bay students who would benefit from more focused one-on-one attention during school.
Counseling The School Counselor offers a variety of services on a need and time-dependent basis. Among the offerings are: “Banana Splits” (for children whose families are going through some type of change) and Friendship Groups, and Anger/Conflict and Individual Counseling.
English as a Second Language & Limited English Proficiency Instruction We have a pool of staff members who are well versed in the issues and needs of students for whom English is a second language and/or who have limited proficiency in English. These teachers meet regularly with ESL/ELL students. These staff members can also act as resources for all teachers and other staff so we can meet the needs of those students.
Extended Learning Program The Extended Learning Program works with students who are evaluated and found eligible for these services in grades 3-4-5. Qualified students receive compacted and extended math curriculum as well as instruction in Language Arts and special projects.
504 Accommodation Plan This plan is developed for children who have a life-limiting medical condition that requires school accommodation, but does not affect their academic learning. Contact the school nurse for more information.
Homeless Liaison The Homeless Liaison provides services for families that qualify as homeless, including living in substandard homes or with extended family. Contact the School Counselor, Leslie Scranton, for more information.
Resource Program/Special Education The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 2004 is a federal special education law that requires school districts to provide free and appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities. A free appropriate public education (FAPE) means special education and related services as described in an Individual Education Plan (IEP), and provided to children in the least restrictive environment. Children who are evaluated and found eligible for these services receive individualized and/or small group instruction within the regular classroom or in Auke Bay School's Resource Room. Other services provided for students who are eligible include: Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. Further, the district employs vision, hearing, and behavior specialists who are active members of a student's IEP team for those who qualify.
SST (Student Support Team) Parents and staff may call for a team to meet with the purpose of developing an intervention plan for individual students with concerns for academic, behavioral, or social success. Any child to be referred for special education MUST go through the SST process prior to being referred for special services.
BASE Auke Bay works cooperatively with Juneau Youth Services to provide consistent and focused help for students who have additional social and emotional needs. There is a strong home/parent advocacy component and careful collaboration between Juneau Youth Services and school staff.