Auke Bay Elementary School 5:30pm - 6:30pm AUKE BAY PTA
Meeting dates and time: 2nd Thursday of each month, 5:30 pm (See school Calendar) Meeting location: Auke Bay Elementary School, 1st floor conference room (near front office). Subject to change.
Auke Bay Parent Teacher Association
2019 - 2020 Officers President Nancy Womack Vice Pres Bonnie Webster Secretary Kelly Dunivin Treasurer Theresa Winther email:
About the PTA: We are Auke Bay School's parent teacher group. We are also a member organization of the Alaska PTA and the National PTA (Parent Teacher Association). We raise funds and sponsor events to support Auke Bay School. We work to strengthen the connection between home and school and to encourage family involvement.
We Fund: Discovery Nature -- IXL/Reading Eggs -- Teacher Appreciation Day -- Field Day -- Family Nights --and unfunded teacher/classroom needs!
PTA fundraising info:
Charlestown Gift Wrap One of our most successful fundraisers, students sell holiday gift wrap and kitchen gadgets in the fall. Sales are done door-to-door and out of town friends can order on-line.
SEE'S Candy Sales Just in time for Easter, candy and chocolate sales make for a popular fundraiser. Look for more info in the spring.
Amazon Smile Through Amazon’s Foundation, you can have your normal Amazon shopping experience, but Auke Bay PTA gets .05% of each qualifying purchase amount. Just go to and select Auke Bay PTA as the organization you would like to support.
Box Tops for Education Drop your box tops in the school lobby collection box to help purchase library books, fund activities, and support classrooms.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards Through your current Fred Meyer Rewards program, you can participate in their Community rewards program as well. This is in addition to your personal rewards, and doesn’t detract from your gas points, rebates or other Fred Meyer Rewards benefits. The percentage of the contribution isn’t set. Instead, Fred Meyer sets a pot of money to be distributed annually, and the funds are distributed to the registered non-profits based upon the volume of business done by Fred Meyers Rewards customers who selected each charity. Just go to, under Rewards chose Community Rewards, and then select “link your rewards card now” and select Auke Bay Elementary School Parent Teacher Association.
PTA Meeting Minutes: